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Auguste Rodin, Ugolin dans sa prison, crayon au graphite ; plume-encre (noire) ; lavis d'encre (brune) ; rehaut-gouache, vers 1880 © Musée Rodin

Hell according to Rodin
From October 11, 2017 to January 21, 2018
Fundación MAPFRE, Barcelone, Spain
The exhibition brings together a hundred sculptures and around thirty drawings, that have only been shown on rare occasions, plus various mock-ups and models that give an insight into the creative process of the sculptor and the evolution that the Gates were subjected to over the years. Considered the central work of the French sculptor’s career, who spent more than twenty years working on it, this monumental piece offers a spectacular view of hell, frenzied and tempestuous, yet also sensual and evocative.