Rodin, what’s new
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Anselm Kiefer, Auguste Rodin les Cathédrales de France, 2016, 330 x 380 cm, huile, acrylique, émulsion, gomme-laque et plomb sur toile © Anselm Kiefer, Private collection © Georges Poncet

From March 17 to October 22, 2017
Musée Rodin, Paris, France
To mark the centenary of the death of Auguste Rodin, the museum will be asserting its programme more strongly than ever in cooperation with contemporary artists and is giving carte blanche to the artist Anselm Kiefer. Installed in the exhibition hall, the exhibition will demonstrate the unusual convergence of these two giants, shaped with freedom and liberated from all artistic contingencies.
The exhibition is co-organized by the Barnes Foundation.